Leadership Trends for 2023

Season 1, Episode 5,   Jan 19, 2023, 02:25 PM

In this episode, we talk about the challenges leaders and managers will face in 2023. We talk about the broader skillset leaders will need and how they can deal with the subsequent increase in capacity. 

We discuss the growing requirement for authentic leadership, emotional intelligence and legitimate self-confidence, and also what cultural intelligence is and why its becoming important. 

We think it will also be key for leaders to have an articulated vision that everyone can follow, and - slightly more prosaically - why they need to do a systems audit. We also touch on why profit is no longer enough and people and planet should be high on every leader's agenda.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the topics we discuss in this episode. You can find us on LinkedIn or contact us via our website.

Useful links:

B Corp - https://www.bcorporation.net/en-us/

Nigel's blog "What a leader needs to know for 2023 – the year of the ‘new different’ - https://www.inspirationaldevelopment.com/insight-hub/what-a-leader-needs-to-know-for-2023-the-year-of-the-new-different/

LinkedIn Profiles:

Nigel Girling: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nigel-girling-a2b7185/

Iain Robertson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iainjrobertson/

Matthew Moore: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattgmoore/