Melissa in the Morning: Life Saving Donations

Feb 01, 2023, 02:22 PM

So many times, listeners will say, “I want to know where my dollars go, or in this case, I want to know who’s receiving the blood I donate.” And a lot of times we don’t have a specific name or story to give you. But today, we had the honor of highlighting a local mom who is grateful to donations by CT residents. ((00:00))

Tyre Nichols will be laid to rest today and many are left wondering how could officers get away with what they are seen doing in surveillance footage? We spoke to former Fairfield Police chief, Gary MacNamara, about broken departments and the idea of uniformity in training standards. ((09:35))

According to the CDC, more than 37 million Americans have diabetes and approximately 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes. Dr. Andrew Wong with Hartford Healthcare shared how people develop this issue and how to live with it. ((22:44))

Workout Wednesday: Sitting too long isn't just bad for your physical health, but also your brain function. Wellness coach, Amy Llinas, explains why and what we can do to get moving more at work. ((30:34))

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