Melissa in the Morning: Balloon Business

Feb 10, 2023, 03:02 PM

Congressman Jim Himes gave us the latest on the spy balloon that was shot down last weekend. Did the Biden Administration fail to inform the general public better? Was the balloon floating too long? And what about the debris pickup now? Congressman Himes tackled all our questions. ((00:00))

After the governor announced his budget address, we asked Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly his thoughts on the proposals. We also touched on an overnight vote to approve fiscal guardrails. ((13:14))

Acid reflux impacts millions of Americans but there's a technique that's nonintrusive to help in big ways! ((27:14))

Ahead of Superbowl parties, don't get food poisoning! We hear from the USDA about protecting yourself with food bacteria. ((36:37))

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