Melissa in the Morning: UConn Walkout

Feb 15, 2023, 02:23 PM

More than 1,000 students boarded buses to rally at the state capitol in protest. Today's walkout comes after Gov. Lamont proposed budget cuts for the university, which could lead to tuition hikes. We spoke with UConn student government president, Mason Holland, before the rally. ((00:00))

There is a bi-partisan effort to allow pharmacists to prescribe customers with birth control pills, instead of relying on a doctor's order. Senator Ryan Fazio explains the legislation and why there's overwhelming support behind it. ((08:35))

The Sikorsky Airport buyout may get more complicated. Two Stratford lawmakers are behind four bills to involve the town more in the potential decision for the CAA to take over. We asked BRBC President, Dan Onofrio, about the situation. ((21:38))

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