0047 Wibro

May 30, 2012, 02:39 PM

Korea, in its quest to be the country with "cuttingest" technology edge, has recently tested wireless broadband, aka “wibro”. “Wibro” gives users high-speed internet access even in vehicles moving faster than 60 mph. This means that you can watch live TV on the subway. This means that you can play on-line games on the bus. This means that you can be connected anytime, anywhere, with anybody. Except, apparently, with the person sitting next to you. 24-year-old Lim Ji Young, part of the recent “wibro” test on a bus in Seoul, exemplifies this disconnected connectedness: "I'm catching up with a soap opera,” she says. “My boyfriend is playing on-line games." Perhaps she’ll email him to let him know how the episode ends. #ceas #schneiderwind #SouthKorea #tsutsui