Discussing: Adaptation in Conference with Amy Jennings

Episode 251,   Mar 03, 2023, 09:00 AM


Minisode on an upcoming conference which we will be on...

A minisode discussing episode this week, with a chat with Amy Jennings of the All the World's a Stage Conference 2023, looking at adaptation of Early Modern drama. Which is something we do a lot. Hence the fact that Robert Crighton, host of this noble pod, has been asked to open the conference. So, if you want to hear more words from us in a different context, then you can book for the event on Saturday 22nd April 2023 via the link below (unless you're listening in the future, in which case it is past) and you can follow the con on twitter at @AllTheWorldConf
Event link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/all-the-worlds-a-stage-conference-tickets-555972838727

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The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton