Sobriety & Self discovery with Anastasia Forrest & introducing The Herbtender

Episode 224,   Mar 10, 2023, 11:00 AM

Janey chats to Sober Club coach Anastasia Forrest about her journey to sobriety and self discovery and introduces The Herbtender Adaptogen supplements

Janey discusses the recent news story of the hormone injection which helps people ‘sober up’ in half the time ….WTAF!

Janeys guest is Anastasia Forrest. Anastasia is a Realtor, musician, and author of the book, “The 30 Day Sobriety Experiment: A Journey of Self-Discovery” Anastasia has also released a music album. Referring to herself as a “sobriety enthusiast,” Anastasia’s philosophy is one of positive sobriety which is what led her to discover & connect with Janey Lee Grace and her groundbreaking work in the sober sphere! 

Anastasia’s book

We’ve teamed up with The Herbtender, wonderful Adaptogen wellness supplements 

Try Doze & Dream - Rise & Shine - Perform & Recover –


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Family Constellations 

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Janey offers 1-1 coaching, with NLP, EFT, Matrix reimprinting and Family Constellations therapy.

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Follow Janey @janeyleegrace #thesoberclub