From Dreaming to Achieving: The Journey Of A Woman Becoming a Top Corporate Leader | Dr. Lopa Mudra Priyadarshini

Mar 28, 2023, 01:00 PM

In this episode, Dr. Lopa Mudra Priyadarshini, head of CSR of Hindalco Group will share her journey to becoming a top corporate leader and offer insights and strategies for others seeking to achieve their own career aspirations.

Drawing on her own experiences as a successful businesswoman, diversity and inclusion expert, and mentor to aspiring leaders, Dr. Priyadarshini will discuss the key traits and habits that are essential for success in the corporate world. She will also address the unique challenges that women often face and offer practical advice on how to overcome these obstacles and thrive in the workplace.

With a captivating storytelling style and a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Dr. Priyadarshini will inspire and motivate viewers to unlock their full potential and pursue their own dreams of career success. Whether you are a young professional just starting out or an experienced executive looking to take your career to the next level, this episode is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.