Melissa in the Morning: School Security

Mar 30, 2023, 01:14 PM

Days after the Nashville school shooting, lawmakers still can't agree on what changes will make the biggest difference in protecting children from mass shootings. Senator Blumenthal talked about universal gun laws but also commented on resource officers and safety measures invested in school buildings. ((00:00))

Studies show on average, most adults stay fixated on an issue or past event longer than they should. Dealing with an obsession in a healthy way can be difficult to learn how to do. Stephanie Swantek of Bridges Healthcare is currently teaching students how to cope with this and shared her expertise for adults to apply to themselves. ((11:59))

Melissa's sister, Annie Lyn, shared a story of rescuing two wild birds tangled in fishing netting. ((24:27))

Zoo Minute: It is officially spring! Gregg Dancho gives us the heads up about the critters out and about in your yards and neighborhoods. ((32:46))

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