AN 5.161 - 5.170 Resentment

Apr 27, 2023, 06:53 PM

5.161 Five reflections to help eliminate resentment, in brief.
5.162 Five reflections to help eliminate resentment, an explanation by Sāriputta..
5.163 Qualifications for a mendicant to hold a Dhamma discussion.
5.164 Qualifications for a mendicant to share their way of life.
5.165 Sāriputta explains five reasons for asking a question, and the reason he asks a question.
5.166 Udāyī refuses to believe Sāriputta’s description of the achievements of an accomplished meditator. The Buddha dismisses Udāyī’s foolishness, and outlines the reasons senior mendicants should be respected.
5.167 Factors that a mendicant should establish in themselves before accusing another.
5.168 Lack of ethics prevents the attaining of samādhi, wisdom, and freedom.
5.169 Ānanda asks Sāriputta to explain what it means to be quick-witted, but Sāriputta gets Ānanda to explain it himself.
5.170 Ānanda asks Bhaddaji about the best sense objects, and corrects his answer.