Episode 7: A unique student experience at Good Times University

Episode 7,   Apr 29, 2023, 02:45 PM

In the latest podcast in the My Imaginary University series Eve Alcock, Head of Public Affairs at the Quality Assurance Agency, and Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor at Wonkhe, present their vision for a rather different kind of HE institution. This university, whilst definitely a campus operation, provides for students primarily on a short intensive block basis, thereby combining both residential and remote learning provision. It is a quite novel structure therefore which is intended to reinvent the way everyone looks at learning but is very much in line with the current lifelong learning policy trajectory.

The model also envisages strong industry links, community engagement and applied learning which ensures that, as Eve puts it, the "employability stats are through the roof" although the leadership is so confident about their metrics they really do not care for the rankings. The university is also a regulator's dream and committed to supporting students within and alongside the curriculum.

The university enjoys a unique co-leadership model where the Vice-Chancellor and the students' union President work closely together on all the big decisions and the SU is in charge of most non-academic expenditure. Furthermore, students are required to spend time on committee work - it's credit rated too - but any mandatory short online learning modules around free speech etc are banned. As are old-style traditional lectures with no thought given to student engagement.

It's a positive vision for a very different kind of university with a new state of mind. Good times indeed.