Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

May 01, 2023, 05:40 AM

It’s time Kiddies! Ditch those Silver Shamrock masks and grab an all white William Shatner classic! It’s “Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers”.

“We’re talking about evil on two legs…”

Ok, Kiddies! It’s time to ditch those Silver Shamrock masks and pick up an all white William Shatner classic at your local hardware store, because Michael Myers is back!

I’m your host, Dave, and joining me again as we down a few beers and form a drunken posse to roam the night is fellow horror fan Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

Topics of discussion in this episode include Michael’s ever increasing zombie-like stature; we wonder if Loomis inadvertently created the Boogeyman from his own insanity; and finally, we rate the Halloween franchise thus far…by using the McDonald’s Value Menu as a scale.

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The Apocalypse Video Halloween Retrospective will be back as Michael returns (again) with a score to settle in Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers.