My Platform Trailer

May 15, 2023, 09:30 PM

In My Platform,’s new podcast, we speak to the authors of some of our first-person and opinion section’s most-read articles of the past few years. My Platform is all about drawing attention to underheard and underrepresented voices in the media, with guests talking about issues close to their heart. 

Hosted by Jess Austin, who edits the section of the Metro that all our lovely guests submitted their pieces to. As well as being among the most popular pieces, they’re also some of our absolute favourites, and we can’t wait to speak to the authors more about what inspired their pieces, unhindered by a pesky word count! 

Our main aim with this podcast is to give a platform to underheard voices, offering a human-first story to accompany some of the most prevalent topics in the news. We’d love to hear if these stories helped shape your views - if so, please let us know on Twitter @MetroOpinion or by email at 

My Platform is produced by Pineapple Audio Production.