0156 HRP-4C Robomodel

Jun 05, 2012, 01:46 PM

In the rarefied atmosphere of the catwalk, you pivot, you pose, you strut your stuff and, if you’re HRP-4C, you whirr mechanically, blink electronically then cross your robotic arms and give a polite bow. HRP-4C is a humanoid super-model robot developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology here in Tokyo. She wears a space age suit of silver and black, has a head of silky black hair and the face of an anime angel. And, what’s more, she weighs in at a svelte 95 pounds: achieved without ritualized vomiting. Though HRP-4C made her debut at a fashion show, it is hoped that robots like her will help care for the rapidly growing elderly population of Japan. Thus her destiny is less in the world of the super model than the world of the superannuated. #ceas #hacker #japan