#39 How To Get Things Done

Episode 39,   Aug 17, 2023, 05:00 AM

Procrastination and faffing can be a killer when you run your own business. You know you need – and want! – to get things done, but sometimes you simply can’t. 

I know how you feel, and over the years I have developed some tools that help me move forward, and I am sharing those with you today.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How spending time with others can rocket your productivity
  • How to use technology to motivate you when you work alone
  • My “no lunch until it’s done” motivational system
  • Easy ways to become accountable
  • How to get through more in less time

Productivity is the key to having the guilt-free time off you crave. Try some of these tools and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you fly through your to-do list. 

Resources in this episode:

How to Get Sh*t Done

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