09/08/23 Tony Kurre Radio Presents The Kurre and Klapow Show

Episode 1007,   Sep 08, 2023, 10:05 PM

Tony and Dr. Josh are back live from Vulcan! Does your spouse put your in-laws over you in your relationship? Dr. Josh and Tony tell you what that means. Plus, it’s the start of the NFL Season! Do smaller numbers make you faster? And finally, the Death Triad is complete and did Smash Mouth’s Steve Harwell overshadow Jimmy Buffet and Gary Wright? All of that and more on this edition of the #KurreAndKlapow Show!

#InLaws #NFL #SmallerNumbers #Relationships #JimmyBuffet #SmashMouth #GaryWright #AI #Meat #Mylanta #Jews #TKR #TKRApp #TonyKurreRadio

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