11/17/23 Tony Kurre Radio Presents The Kurre and Klapow Show

Episode 1079,   Nov 17, 2023, 09:51 PM

Tony Kurre and Dr. Josh are live from #Vulcan! The boys try to help you figure out how to survive Thanksgiving with the family by telling you why you shouldn’t linger at the table for Thanksgiving dinner, the importance of boundaries, and more! Then, the boys get into the Lane Kiffin recording and why when you’re upset with someone you shouldn’t repeat yourself with the message you’re trying to convey! All on this edition of the Kurre and Klapow Show!

#Thanksgiving #Surviving #Family #HolidayStress #Stress #MentalHealth #LaneKiffin #Athletes #TKR #TKRApp #TonyKurreRadio #KurreAndKlapow 

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