AN 6.55 - 6.59 The Great Chapter Part 1

Oct 06, 2023, 09:34 AM

AN 6.55 When Venerable Soṇa thinks of disrobing, the Buddha comes and encourages him with the famous simile of the lute that is tuned neither too loose nor too tight.
AN 6.56 The Buddha consoles Venerable Phagguṇa on his deathbed, and he dies at peace. The Buddha then explains to Ānanda the benefits of hearing the Dhamma at the right time.
AN 6.57 Ānanda asks the Buddha about the six classes of people described by the rival ascetic Pūraṇa Kassapa. The Buddha rejects them, and proposes an alternate scheme, emphasizing the importance ones deeds in this life.
AN 6.58 The Buddha explains diverse methods for overcoming diverse kinds of defilements.
AN 6.59 The householder Dārukammika claims to give gifts to arahants. But the Buddha warns him that it’s hard to know who is really an arahant, and encourage him instead to make offerings to the Saṅgha.