Detraction by the Unknown (Fragment)

Episode 288,   Oct 13, 2023, 08:00 AM

A full audio recording of a fragment of a play.

Welcome to another fragment - known as Detraction, or An Interlude of Detraction, or Light Judgement, Verity and Justice – by the more literal of title givers. We have no idea what the title actually is. It was printed around 1550, and could date between 1533 and the break with Rome and 1553, when Edward VI popped his clogs. So 1550ish.

Detraction was played by Simon Nader, Light Judgement by Rob Myson and Verity by Heydn McCabe
Detraction was hosted and produced by Robert Crighton

Our patrons received this episode in February 2023 - approx. 8 months early.
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The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton.