The Reset rebel Catches up with Author Ben Dunwell to talk audiobooks

Episode 180,   Oct 06, 2023, 03:00 AM

Island Author Ben Dunwell joins us once again to celebrate his very first audio book, Pine Tree Island.

Ben also narrated the book himself over around 16 hours of recording time and the audio was knokced into shape by yours truely through Reset Rebel Productions.

What did it take to make it and how does it feel after all this time to dive back into the characters and give them voice? Find out in Todays episode as we also discuss:
- Menorca history
- Storytelling 
- Wine making
- Theatrics and how Ben became an actor from a young age
- What the London world of dramatics was like back in the day
- How his house got struck by lightening and almost took him and his family out
- Plus we finish with Bens thoughts on celebrity and how it came to be be thought the use of very strong Mediteranean wines. 

If you wish to listen to the audiobook version of Pine Tree island, use the link above.
If you wish to make an audiobook, drop me an email: 
for a chat and a quote.