HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!! THREE TALES OF TERROR! (thanks to Stephen Rutledge!)

Season 15, Episode 142,   Oct 31, 2023, 07:22 PM


I'd like you to meet my guest for this Halloween Special, Stephen Rutledge! Stephen seems to have a special relationship with those things that go bump in the night...or send a chill up your spine. His three tales are all very different, but all especially spooky! My favorite tale of his involves hundreds of other witnesses...and a bottle of champagne...

Stephen's life seems filled with the uncanny, and he handles it all with complete grace...because me? I would have run from every experience screaming!

Here's hoping your All Hallows Eve is filled with magical glowing pumpkins, a spectral breath on the back of your neck and cackling laughter from a ghostly phantasm! And again, Happy Halloween!