Dr. Mark Goulston & JJ Stenhouse - Hurt Less Live More - Episode 36

Episode 36,   Nov 07, 2023, 04:00 AM


Have you ever thought as you look out at an angry, accusatory and blaming world that a whole other world of hurt lies beneath? When you reach underneath your own frustration, upset and disappointment, do you come up with your own world of hurt? Hurt, pain, comes in many forms. It can prevent us from living our lives and loving to the fullest. What if there were a way to hurt less and live more? What if there was a way to be less hurtful to the people you love? Accountability facilitates positive change, so tune in as we, JJ and Dr Mark, come together for some open and frank discussions with our guests and draw on our own experiences and acknowledge what we’ve learned from them. Join us as we dive deep into what hurts us all and explore how we can all hurt less.

Episode 36 - Sheryl Utal reflects on her journey through a health crisis and personal challenges to healing herself and becoming a successful entrepreneur with Japa Health.

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