Supernatural News/Parashare: The Spirits of Thanksgiving '23 Edition w/Beer City Bruiser

Season 18, Episode 141,   Nov 22, 2023, 09:00 AM

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: The Spirits of Thanksgiving '23 Edition with Beer City Bruiser!

Have you ever gathered around the Thanksgiving table, looked down upon that succulent, juicy turkey, and wondered if the spirit of that 18 pound gobbler was standing behind you looking at you like some sort of demented savage n a Bugs Bunny cartoon?! Yeah, we haven't either! But we are talking plenty about other spirits that are lingering around this time of the holiday! Plus, Cruiser and Bruiser have all the Supernatural News/Parashare that you have been waiting all week for!

This week, One scientist believes they have come up with an explanation as to what those "alien spherules" that Avi Loeb found really are!  A woman has found a way to lower her rent, but is moving into a haunted, abandoned hospital a good way to save money?  A woman discovers a creepy hidden room in her house with children's handprints on the wall, and we look into the mystery of a village in a remote Amazon region who are being terrorized by 7 ft. "face peeling creatures"! 
PLUS... Ziggy's Picks!!   

See the pics of the people who were dining at that fancy restaurant and ran into a ghost!

Check out where Beer City Bruiser will be in your area:

Wanna see how Ziggy and Talia, our psychic puppies, did on their NFL picks? click here:

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