Bicentennial Man (1999)

Jan 15, 01:00 PM

To celebrate the podcast’s 200th episode, Dave decides to replace C.H.A.D. with a fully functional android. But when the corny jokes begin to pile up, he may end up wishing he’d never unplugged C.H.A.D. to begin with.

Well, we did it, folks. After four and a half years we’ve finally hit two hundred episodes. It’s been a wild ride and even though most of us have been killed, brought back, killed again, and forced to watch some pretty god awful movies, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we’ve had the time of our lives bringing the lost art of cinema back to the wasteland. And I know that you’re thinking - surely they’ve got an ace up their sleeve for the big 200! Well, you’d be right.

After 199 episodes (and a few attempts on our lives) we’re finally saying goodbye to C.H.A.D. and replacing him with a fully functional anthropomorphic android with all of the bells and whistles! We’re talking a fully digital sound system; VHS, Laserdisc and Betamax capabilities; and of course, it comes complete with a laundry list of corny jokes. I gotta tell ya, this thing is awesome. I’m totally not experiencing buyer’s remorse after spending half of my year’s salary on this marvel of modern robotics. (Now…where’s that C.H.A.D. boot-up disc again…?)

I’m your host, Dave, and joining me again are original co-hosts and cinephiles Ryan, Cody, and special guest, Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

Topics of discussion in this episode include the surprisingly lucrative business of clock making; Sam Neill teaches the audience (and his robot) about the birds and the bees; and finally, Andrew Martin goes where no android has gone before: having lots of sex with his owner’s great granddaughter.

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That’ll do it for this episode, folks. It’s been a great pleasure bringing you two hundred episodes of foolishness and we can’t wait to bring you two hundred more. (Now…what’s a good movie with “400” in the title…)