The Interview-Tracy Fahey~ The Magic of Irish Banshees and Footsteps on Ceilings

Season 17, Episode 161,   Feb 26, 2024, 01:30 AM

This week our guest is Irish Gothic Horror Author Tracy Fahey! Hooray!

And BEWARE dear listeners-in this episode you will hear:

how Tracy's ancestry practically screams for her to be an uncanny author...
how living on/near a graveyard is maybe not the best idea...
how ancient ways and ancient gods still roam the lands of Eire...
how footsteps on ceilings and rooftops can become humdrum...
how the Era of the Hag is upon us...that great Goddess of Land and Water and pretty much everything? She's here to stir things up and bitch slap us for all the ways we are destroying this world and eachother.


We sure did talk a lot about so many ideas near and dear to my heart...but really, as long as I know there are no monsters under my bed, or demonic dolls in my closet? I'm good.

To check Tracy out and read one of her delicious tales click here.

To say that I couldn't stop thinking about the short story I found on her website would be an understatement and to whoever bought the option for it? BRAVO I SAY!! BRAVO! You clearly have good taste! (or demented taste, but who's judging? Certainly not me!)

Thanks for listening you all and I'll see you next week for another sweet or terrifying or inspirational or magical episode! Cause at this podcast? We're full service! And with that I'll see you around!