Melissa In The Morning: Another Wrong Way Crash

Feb 26, 02:44 PM

Connecticut has a real problem with wrong-way crashes in recent years. This past weekend, four people in their 20’s died after a wrong-way crash along I-95 in West Haven. What can we do to avoid a wrong-way driver? Are the state’s new tactics to combat this working? We spoke with crime prevention expert, retired Lt. Jim Perez. (0:00)

Lawmakers in Connecticut are considering a proposal to bolster law enforcement efforts by introducing license plate readers across cities and towns in the state. Under the proposed legislation, municipalities would have the opportunity to apply for funding to integrate license plate readers into their law enforcement infrastructure. That includes strategically placed along roadways. We got insight on this from former police chief, Gary MacNamara. (13:32)

On March 4th, Connecticut will mark the anniversary of passing The Crown Act. What is it? Why is it significant? And is there still mass discrimination based on people’s hair styles? We spoke with Jody Walker Smith about it from the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. (28:23)

The CDC says contagious stomach bugs, including norovirus, are circulating right now and hitting the Northeast especially hard. What’s happening with record high cases and how do we try to avoid it if we have NOT gotten the stomach bug this year? Hartford Healthcare’s Dr. Andrew Wong shares information on all of this. (47:22).

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