Heal Trauma & PTSD

Season 1, Episode 2,   Apr 04, 11:03 PM

By Phil Golding

Episode 2. Learn an effective process for healing Trauma and PTSD. All trauma can be healed and turned into greater awareness and resilience, so long as you understand your mind and the power of your Awareness.  This podcast will guide you, step-by-step to enable you to understand your mind, your healing potential, and how to go about healing your Trauma/PTSD to where success is inevitable.  This podcast is also an important template for mental/emotional healing in general.

The beautiful music that your will hear in this podcast is by SACRED EARTH.  https://www.sacredearthmusic.com/


American Radio Interview
I was interviewed on American radio about my 5 Step Process (for emotional healing, self-awareness and empowerment) and my book 'Five Steps to Freedom"

Find it here:

Associated Books


Podcast Series by Phil Golding
Five Steps to Freedom
Real Healing, Real Awakening
Heart of Meditation
Quest for Healing
Interview Series