Total Revenue Management - Why It Is Easier To Talk About Than Do

May 15, 03:00 PM

Hi, welcome to another Expert Insights discussion

Today we look at Total Revenue Management

Yes, that topic that which has been discussed for years and years but still remains a dream for most.

In today’s discussion we actually look at the reality of the challenge and why it’s easier to talk about it than to do it.

To share their insights and experience, we are joined by:

🗣️  Karin van Rhee of Juyo Analytics
🗣️  Amrita Makkar of Virgin Hotels
🗣️  Jens Egemalm of Pandox

NB: Juyo Analytics are one of our Expert Partners

We ask is the industry now, crystal clear, about what total revenue management actually means?

Using corporate business as an example, our guests outline why it is so challenging and why it isn’t really being done.

And finally, how can technology help, or is it a hindrance, to achieving total revenue management.

Really hope you enjoy the conversation.

👀 If you would like to watch the video of our discussion
Here is the YouTube link:

To help your viewing the video is broken down into chapters.

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