#87 Stay Small To Grow Bigger

Episode 87,   Jul 18, 05:00 AM

How can we 'stay small' to grow bigger? It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it - but let me explain... 

Believe me, I've been there, feeling this pressure to grow, grow, grow and - honestly - it left me feeling as unfulfilled and unsatisfied as I ever had done before. It's so easy to get swept up in the 'conventional' notion that business success equates to expansion and huge financial growth but I say that a more nuanced approach where you prioritise autonomy, personal fulfilment and defining success based on YOUR terms is what truly matters. 

Listen to hear:
  • Autonomy and Defining Success
  • Misguided Pursuit of Growth
  • Defining Success and Releasing Expectations
  • Outsourcing and Staying Small
  • Time Freedom and Financial Success
  • Empowerment and Business Growth
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