Dealing with Truth-telling with a Narcissistic Mother

Season 2, Episode 68,   Jul 16, 2024, 05:26 AM

How many times while growing up has your mother told you she knows best?
How many times does she still use sentences like:
“And that’s the truth.”
“I know exactly how these things work.”
“I’ve been here longer than you, don’t pretend to know more than me.”??

If you have been brought up by a narcissistic mother, chances are you have experienced some form of truth-telling by her.
In this episode we talk about what truth-telling looks like, the impact that this has and how to heal.

All the links you need are here⬇

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Apply for the 1:1 10 Weeks Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here:

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With Love!

#daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation