Farewell to the legendary Istabraq at 32 | The Front Page | Horse Racing News | Racing Post
Season 1, Episode 187, Jul 29, 2024, 04:15 PM
Problematic gambling surveys, King George shocks & a mighty farewell to a racing legend are all discussed in the newest edition of The Front Page.
Bill Barber reviews the latest announcements on the problematic gambling survey for Great Britain, where will this leave Horse Racing betting in the coming months and years ahead?
Next up, James Stevens reports on the passing of ISTABRAQ, a 14 time Grade 1 winner who captured thousands of hearts in Britain & Ireland who passed at the ripe old age of 32. Will there ever be a horse quite like him?
Finally, host Maddy Playle looks back at a cracking weekend of action at Ascot, culminating in the French domination of the King George, where GOLIATH took down his rivals in a shock result.
Bill Barber reviews the latest announcements on the problematic gambling survey for Great Britain, where will this leave Horse Racing betting in the coming months and years ahead?
Next up, James Stevens reports on the passing of ISTABRAQ, a 14 time Grade 1 winner who captured thousands of hearts in Britain & Ireland who passed at the ripe old age of 32. Will there ever be a horse quite like him?
Finally, host Maddy Playle looks back at a cracking weekend of action at Ascot, culminating in the French domination of the King George, where GOLIATH took down his rivals in a shock result.