Bruce Gernon: Electronic fog and Time Warps, Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Aug 01, 01:15 AM
"Electronic fog attaches to an airplane, moves with it, and often a circular opening in the fog travels with fog and plane." - Bruce Gernon
"The universe not only seems stranger than we can imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine, and the only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke
Updated archive interview - copyright music removed.
Beyond the Bermuda Triangle: True Encounters with Electronic Fog, Missing Aircraft, and Time Warps, by Bruce Gernon (Author), Rob MacGregor (Author), Amazon Affiliate Link.
"Skeptics have dismissed the Triangle as a nonmystery, but they weren't in my airplane when the fog surrounded my craft and I leaped ahead 100 miles. I documented what happened and memorized every detail of that flight." - Bruce Gernon
What was it like to fly into the electronic fog? Bruce recounts his experience and offers advice to other pilots who might experience a similar encounter - on how to exit the anomaly.
We don't have time to cover this content in the interview but the book includes some fascinating cases that include UFOs and USOs, time travel, teleportation, and the remote viewer who investigated the Bermuda Triangle.
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