The Number 1 Solution to Guilt & Anxiety from Maternal Narcissism in Giving/Receiving Dynamics

Season 2, Episode 75,   Aug 27, 2024, 05:43 AM

Do you feel threatened or uncomfortable when someone is kind with you?
Do you barely enjoy a gift before you race to find a way to give something in return?
Do you hate to receive a favour because then you feel obliged to return it?
Do you feel a wave of guilt when someone does something for you?
All of the guilt and anxiety you are feeling around giving and receiving can very well be traced back to the conditioning you’ve received growing up with a narcissistic mother.
How do you feel towards your mother when it comes to give and receive?
Are guilt, obligation and anxiety ruling the entire interaction for you?

In this episode I talk about the guilt and anxiety in the dynamics of giving and receiving, the impact of growing up with a narcissistic mother has on such dynamics and the number 1 solution that has helped me, and all the clients I shared this with, overcome these patterns.

Related episode: 

💥All the links you need⬇

Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here:

Apply for Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here:

Apply for the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme here:

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With Love!

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#guilt #anxiety #overcomingguilt #overcominganxiety