The Impact of Parentification with a Narcissistic Mother & How to Heal in 5 Steps

Season 2, Episode 79,   Sep 24, 2024, 07:13 AM

Do you feel like you had to grow up too fast and you hardly remember having a childhood?
Were you the one who took care of a lot of practicalities at home when other kids were out playing?
Did your mother confide her secretes and problems to you when you were a child?
Did you feel like you were the only one capable of taking care of things in your family, and that if you stopped things would fall apart?
Did you have to take care of younger siblings, otherwise no one would do it?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, chances are you have experienced a degree of what is defined as parentification. 
So, what is parentification?
In this episode I talk about the definition of parentification, how to know if you have been through it as a child, the impact it may have on your current life and I share 5 steps to begin your healing journey.

Related episodes:
Episode 77 A 3 Steps Process to Set Successful Boundaries with Your Narcissistic Mother

Episode 37 How To Unblock Your Creativity After Suffering From Maternal Narcissism With Val Young

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Apply to the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here:

With Love!

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