Does "Grey-rock" work with a Narcissistic Mother? Pros & Cons
Season 2, Episode 83, Oct 22, 2024, 05:41 AM
#narcissisticmother #greyrocking #maternalnarcissism
Have you been advised to use Grey-rocking with your narcissistic mother and are unsure if it’s a good idea?
Have you tried it, and it somehow made things worse?
Unsure if Grey-rocking is as good as boundary setting?
In this episode I share a brief explanation of what Grey-rocking is, the 3 main risks when it's used with a narcissistic mother and when it is actually helpful.
💥Download your FREE Roadmap to Boundary Setting here⬇
Related episode:
Episode 71 Does Healing from Maternal Narcissism Mean Becoming More Tolerant to Abuse?
All the links you will need⬇
Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here:
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Apply to Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here:
Apply to the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here:
With Love!
#daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #triangulation #manipulationtactic #grayrock #greyrock #narcissisticabuse
Have you been advised to use Grey-rocking with your narcissistic mother and are unsure if it’s a good idea?
Have you tried it, and it somehow made things worse?
Unsure if Grey-rocking is as good as boundary setting?
In this episode I share a brief explanation of what Grey-rocking is, the 3 main risks when it's used with a narcissistic mother and when it is actually helpful.
💥Download your FREE Roadmap to Boundary Setting here⬇
Related episode:
Episode 71 Does Healing from Maternal Narcissism Mean Becoming More Tolerant to Abuse?
All the links you will need⬇
Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here:
Sign up to the Newsletter here💌
Apply to Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here:
Apply to the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here:
With Love!
#daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #triangulation #manipulationtactic #grayrock #greyrock #narcissisticabuse