How deeply your narcissistic mother can impact your life – A real life experience
Season 2, Episode 87, Nov 12, 2024, 07:12 AM
Do you ever wonder how much of your life has actually been impacted by your narcissistic mother?
How much of who you are is truly you and how much is because of her?
Did you discover maternal narcissism and trauma work only to realise your childhood has impacted everything in your life?
But how deep does it go?
Is there an end to this inner work?
I get these questions all the time from clients, and I have to admit I have asked myself the same from time to time, in extreme frustration.
Today I'm sharing something that recently happened to me (when I went to see Lindsey Stirling in concert), as an example of how deep patterns developed in childhood can go, and how much the same can affect every aspect of our lives. And I also share the different aspects of the journey of healing mother wounds.
💥Download your FREE Roadmap to Boundary Setting here⬇
Related episodes:
Episode 86 How to stop gas-lighting yourself & learn to navigate strong emotions with Genique Baker
Episode 42 Understanding The Impact Of Mother Wounds From Maternal Narcissism
Episode 24 10 Ways A Narcissistic Mother Controls Your Beliefs
All the links you will need⬇
Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here:
Sign up to the Newsletter here💌
Apply to Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here:
Apply to the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here:
With Love!
#daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #triangulation #manipulationtactic #narcissisticabuse #lindseystirlingfan #healingjourney #personalexperience
How much of who you are is truly you and how much is because of her?
Did you discover maternal narcissism and trauma work only to realise your childhood has impacted everything in your life?
But how deep does it go?
Is there an end to this inner work?
I get these questions all the time from clients, and I have to admit I have asked myself the same from time to time, in extreme frustration.
Today I'm sharing something that recently happened to me (when I went to see Lindsey Stirling in concert), as an example of how deep patterns developed in childhood can go, and how much the same can affect every aspect of our lives. And I also share the different aspects of the journey of healing mother wounds.
💥Download your FREE Roadmap to Boundary Setting here⬇
Related episodes:
Episode 86 How to stop gas-lighting yourself & learn to navigate strong emotions with Genique Baker
Episode 42 Understanding The Impact Of Mother Wounds From Maternal Narcissism
Episode 24 10 Ways A Narcissistic Mother Controls Your Beliefs
All the links you will need⬇
Access the FREE Self Love Guided Practice here:
Sign up to the Newsletter here💌
Apply to Reclaim Your Fullness Women Circles here:
Apply to the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds 10 Weeks Programme here:
With Love!
#daughtersofnarcissisticmothers #maternalnarcissism #healingmotherwounds #childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #podcast #womencircles #innertransformation #triangulation #manipulationtactic #narcissisticabuse #lindseystirlingfan #healingjourney #personalexperience