They're stealing your property - don't let them!

Jul 06, 2012, 12:58 AM

They are intent on stealing your property. But they don’t have to actually take it. But the politicians can- at the stroke of a pen- make your property worthless.

And they are doing it. In so many ways. That’s why we are campaigning to ensure the politicians become the servants of the people. And not the masters. We say this people’s power should be in the constitution. In the meantime here’s one example of the people winning over our politicians.
Gosford City Council on Monday night agreed to withdraw a message on planning certificates saying: "This land has been identified as being potentially affected by sea level rise of up to 0.9m by the year 2100''. And now Jacques Laxale of the Consumer and Taxpayer Association has called a rally this Saturday at 2pm against the nearby Wyong Council. It’s at the Frank Ballance Memorial Park 20a Margaret St Wyong. This rally will highlight the issues of sea level rises and the carbon dioxide tax. According to the Daily Telegraph the Gosford decision means thousands of coastal property owners have been given relief after their council dumped the controversial clause on planning documents which labelled their homes as in danger of sea level rise.

Coastal Residents Incorporated secretary Pat Aitken said home owners had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on the values of their homes, and insurance premiums had risen up to 1000 per cent.

Councillor Jim Macfadyen said there were 56 NSW councils affected but only 16 had put the message on planning certificates.

"There has been a lot of concern and angst, of property prices falling because of that certificate, concern of insurance companies increasing their premiums, all for a report that looks at an event that may happen in 100 years,'' he said.

Not that “may happen”. “May happen” according to a computer projection based on some disputed theory. That rally against Wyong Council is on Saturday 7 July at the Frank Ballance Memorial Park 20a Margaret St Wyong And let’s make our politicians accountable on every day of every week of every month every year. The politicians should be the servants of the people the masters.