Moshi Monsters #websummit @moshimonsters

Season 1, Episode 1872,   Sep 25, 2012, 05:01 PM


Http:// is the website relevant to this. #websummit Dublin #dublinwebsummit 17-18 October 2012 #omanidot Background: Omanidot is mad about Moshi Monsters: she has about 25 "Moshlings" (little pets) - but jasn't yet played the online game.

Context: Preparing for the Dublin Web Summit

You hear: - this is a recording of our chat. My 7 year old daughter had ideas of her own about where she wanted to take the conversation... #moshimonsters #moslings #mindcandy #bigbadbill

"Mind Candy" Founder & CEO is Michael Anton Smith. He'll be at Dublin Web Summit