EDU 313: Digital Storytelling

Oct 26, 2012, 02:54 PM

Digital storytelling is where we’ll focus our attention this week. We’ll be looking at a specific product called PhotoPeach which will allow you to create a digital story or video using pictures, captions, music etc. Digital storytelling opens the door for being creative and telling a story via multimedia. And it could be an educational story like you could tell the story about World War I or the story of the solar system. It could be any content that could be put into the context of a story. Or they could be used in a creative way to express an opinion, or thoughts or learnings from a student. So as always it's important to think about this tool not just as a teacher and how you can use it to teach your students, but also how students could use it to show their learning or express their opinions or show what they've learned in the classroom. So again this week we're going to look at digital storytelling.