Daniele Amoroso Orchestra in Barga Giardino

Aug 15, 2013, 11:06 PM

http://www.barganews.com/2013/08/15/ferragosto-in-barga The traditional festival of San Rocco is generally held to be the end of the summer in Barga.

Next to Christmas, Easter, and New Years Eve, Ferragosto is one of the most celebrated holidays in Italy.

The traditional festival of San Rocco is generally held to be the end of the summer in Barga.

Of course this is not absolutely true as the sun shines right through August and generally well into September but from San Rocco onwards the nights are perceptibly drawing in and the air is cooler.

Today was the Fiera di Santa Maria and tomorrow, San Rocco.

The background sound over the past two days will be the peal of ringing bells.