Les choses que j’oime

Oct 17, 2014, 03:45 PM

#GuernseyFrenchEisteddfod . Class 350 Infant individual recitation . Les choses que j’oime par Marjorie Ozanne . J’oime ju des peches Toutes bailles et fraiche. . Des shucres j’adore J’les goutes acore. . Et pour des frases J’en mange en masse. . Mais pus que tout J’dit a tous vous. . J’oime ma mere, Et j’oime men pere. . . The things that I love by Majorie Ozanne . Don’t I love peaches All beautiful and fresh. . Sweets I adore I can still taste them. . And as for strawberries I eat huge amounts of them. . But more than anything else I tell you all. . I love my mother, And I love my father.