
Jun 18, 2015, 10:02 AM

The dinosaur franchise tries for bigger, louder and more teeth 經典恐龍系列電影挑戰更大隻、更大聲,更多牙齒的新賣點 Jurassic World’ bites into the modern blockbuster 《侏羅紀世界》威風成為當代票房強片 It seems like only yesterday when Steven Spielberg captured the imagination of audiences around the world with the first two installments of his blockbuster dinosaur franchise. Now, 22 years later, we've seen these dinosaurs go through an upgrade with computer-generated effects, merchandise and theme park-style attractions. While it's easy to lament the kind of films born out of Spielberg's box office record-setter, "Jurassic Park" was — and still is — a kind of pop perfection that has since been endlessly copied but rarely equaled. 史蒂芬史匹柏所拍攝的首兩部賣座恐龍系列電影,曾緊緊抓住全球觀眾的心,而這一切彷彿仍歷歷在目。距離當年的侏儸紀風潮已廿二年,這些恐龍如今經過電腦特效升級,又以周邊商品和主題公園景點的形式再現。雖然看到那些按照史匹柏締造票房紀錄的傑作所製作出的其他電影,總不免使人感嘆,但是《侏羅紀公園》無論在過去或現在,都是一部再怎麼被複製抄襲,都難以與其匹敵的流行文化完美之作。 "Jurassic World," the latest incarnation of the dinosaur franchise, is directed by Colin Trevorrow. After the events of "Jurassic Park," the island the park is on, Isla Nublar, now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond (played by Richard Attenborough), who created the park. After 10 years of operation and with visitor rates declining, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor's interest and it backfires horribly. 侏羅紀恐龍片系列的最新力作是由柯林崔佛洛執導的《侏羅紀世界》。經過《侏羅紀公園》事件,公園所在的紐布拉島上如今擁有一座運作完善、名為「侏羅紀世界」的恐龍主題公園,正如原先創造侏羅紀公園的約翰哈蒙德(李察艾登保羅飾)所設想。不過主題公園在經營十多年後生意逐漸下滑,他們於是興建了新景點來重燃遊客的興趣,但最後卻事與願違,且還釀成了可怕的反效果。 What was once a charmingly cheesy, if fatally misguided island resort off Costa Rica has grown into a sprawling, monorail-traversed theme park that is worth billions. The park has become a lot more interactive, like a sort of prehistoric petting zoo. Jurassic World is a Dino Disney World, complete with long lines, bored teens and no shade to speak of. For better or worse, "Jurassic World" has done a very good job of recreating the typical theme park experience. The feat of bringing dinosaurs back from extinction is no longer enough of a draw for the park, an obvious parallel to the pressure on Trevorrow to amplify entertainment and maintain franchise profit. Scarier, new species of dinosaur hybrids have been genetically engineered to satisfy the masses streaming through the gates and to boost sales. 在哥斯大黎加離島的這片度假勝地曾經在擁有自己庸俗美的同時,隱藏著許多致命的錯誤,如今它則搖身一變成為價值數十億、設有單軌列車的大型主題公園。這座公園如今也變得更有互動性,就像一座史前可愛動物園。《侏羅紀世界》也像恐龍版的迪士尼世界,一樣有長長的排隊人龍和覺得無聊透頂的青少年,也幾乎沒有任何可以遮陽的陰涼處。無論是好是壞,《侏羅紀世界》都完整地將典型的主題公園體驗重現。不過對於公園來說,讓滅絕的恐龍捲土重來好像已經不夠看了,就如同電影導演崔佛洛所面臨的壓力一樣,必須要在擴大娛樂效果的同時維持此系列電影的收益。於是在電影中,更為可怕的全新混種恐龍就在基因工程的改造下誕生,希望能藉此滿足川流不息的入園人潮,並刺激業績成長。 "Bigger, louder, more teeth" is the demand of the park's corporate overlords, including the serene CEO Simon Masrani (played by Irrfan Khan). But the real face of the new Jurassic World is its operations manager, Claire Dearing (played by Bryce Dallas Howard), a business suit-clad executive who calls the dinosaurs "assets" and describes the park in terms of revenue, not awe. When her two nephews, a brooding teenager named Zach (played by Nick Robinson) and his younger, more excited brother Gray (played by Ty Simpkins) arrive for a visit, Claire still spends most of her time in the NASA-like control room or hosting potential sponsors. 「更大隻、更大聲、更多牙齒」是公園企業主提出的要求,穩重的執行長賽門瑪斯拉尼(伊凡卡漢飾)是其中一位老闆。不過真正掌管全新侏羅紀世界的其實是業務經理克萊兒迪林(由布萊絲達拉斯霍華飾),身為高階主管的她總是西裝筆挺,且稱恐龍為「資產」,在以營收多寡來介紹這座主題公園時甚至不帶任何敬畏的態度。她有兩名侄子,分別是鬱鬱寡歡的青少年扎克(尼克羅賓森飾)以及較為活潑的弟弟格雷(泰辛普金斯飾),當他們到侏羅紀世界參觀時,克萊兒仍將大部分的時間花在她那宛若美國太空總署的控制室裡,或是接待潛在贊助商。 LOTS OF ACTION BUT SHORT ON AWE 動作場面豐富,卻缺少令人敬畏之處 There's a scene early on when Masrani sees the new hybrid T-Rex for the first time, along with his second-in-command, Dearing. "Will it scare the children?" she wonders. "It will give the parents nightmares," he replies. That focus on nightmares, perhaps, is what limits Jurassic World. The original film was appropriately frightening but it was also suffused with a sense of wonder. This time around, there are plenty of shocks, but the awe is missing. What do you expect, really, when the dinosaurs are so accessible they're practically tame? One amphibious dinosaur is made to leap for his supper, like a whale in SeaWorld. And though Gray watches this trick with delight, his elder brother Zach couldn't care less — he's busy checking his phone. 電影開頭沒多久的一幕,瑪斯拉尼帶著他的副手迪林首度見識全新的混種霸王龍。她當時擔心地問:「這會嚇到小孩嗎?」他則回答:「會帶給家長噩夢。」而電影恐怕就是過於著重於此「噩夢」,才讓《侏羅紀世界》受到侷限。最早的侏羅紀作品可怕程度適中,且處處充滿驚奇感。這次的新作也有不少嚇人的場面,不過那種令人肅然起敬的感覺卻已消失殆盡。在恐龍已經那麼容易接近、且幾乎已被馴化之際,還能有多少令人驚奇的火花呢?例如,電影中有隻兩棲類恐龍,總是表演著縱身一躍享用晚餐的特技,就如同海洋世界裡供人觀賞的鯨魚般。雖然這個招數讓格雷看得很開心,但卻完全激不起他哥哥扎克的興趣,因為他在忙著玩手機。 The only one who seems to understand the dinosaurs is Owen Grady (played by Chris Pratt), who is a kind of Velociraptor Whisperer. He's trained a foursome of Raptors, each sporting its own nickname, using clicking sounds. He shouts commands ("Stand down, Blue!") that would sound more fitting for an overly friendly Russell Terrier than a resurrected Raptor. When the dinosaurs' intelligence is again underestimated, chaos returns to the park, courtesy of a wily, ferocious hybrid of mysterious genetic makeup called the Indominus Rex. He's part T-Rex, part frog, part "special ingredient" and all business when it comes to hunting its prey — much more furious than the Tyrannosaurus. 電影中唯一了解恐龍的人,恐怕只有歐文格雷迪(克里斯帕拉特飾),他就像迅猛龍密語者一般,用點擊聲響成功訓練了四隻迅猛龍,且每隻都有自己的暱稱。他會對牠們大喊諸如「退下,小藍!」這類的命令,不過聽起來好像比較適合用來指示親切的傑克魯梭犬,而不是死而復生的猛禽。而當恐龍的智能再次被低估,公園也再次陷入混亂之中,這一切都是由一隻詭計多端的帝王暴龍所引起的,牠是由神秘基因打造而成的凶猛混種恐龍。牠擁有暴龍、青蛙及其他「特殊成份」的基因,捕食獵物時更是絲毫不留情,性情比暴龍還猛烈。 Trevorrow does well enough with the action scenes, which are brutal, fast and satisfying. But everything between these scenes is marred by stock characters, woeful writing and sentimentality of the worst kind (Spielberg, I’m willing to bet, would never go so far as to include an extended scene with Grady comforting a dying Brontosaurus). 崔佛洛在動作場面上處理得不錯,畫面殘酷、快速又具可看性。不過在動作場面之餘,卻被刻板的角色、令人遺憾的劇本寫作,以及最不恰當的多愁善感場景所破壞了(我敢打賭,史匹柏絕不會特別安排格雷迪安慰垂死雷龍的畫面)。 The 3D "Jurassic World" is an over-saturated movie; computer-generated imagery (CGI) runs amok here as much as dinosaurs. Composer Michael Giacchino's new score punctuates the action, as the characters gradually come together from locations across the park. Pratt slides perfectly into the film. His character, Grady, is like Indiana Jones — a little more serious, a little less rakish and definitely not silly. But it's Howard who makes the biggest impact as a corporate cog whose controlled world is imploding. She's quite the corporate stereotype — she keeps her heels throughout — but her transformation is the most convincing one in a film full of dubious evolutions. 3D 的《侏羅紀世界》是一部過度飽和的電影,電腦成像如同片中的恐龍,狂亂得有些失去控制。作曲家麥可賈奇諾的新配樂則能彰顯出電影的每個動作,例如不同的角色從公園各處走向同一地點的畫面。帕拉特也完美地融入了整部片,他飾演的格雷迪如同印第安納瓊斯,只是多了幾分嚴肅、少一些放蕩,腦袋也聰明得很。不過霍華才是電影中最有力道的角色,她在片中扮演的是在大企業裡拼死拼活的一顆齒輪,自己原本掌控極佳的世界也已開始動搖。非常符合企業刻板形象的她,從頭到尾都穿著高跟鞋,不過電影中充斥著許多令人費解的變化,她的改變反而成為最有說服力的一個。