
Jun 18, 2015, 10:02 AM

Hung Hsiu-chu passes KMT presidential primary polls 洪秀柱通過國民黨總統候選人初選民調 Deputy Legislative Speaker Hung Hsiu-chu passed the 30 percent threshold in the ruling Kuomintang's (KMT) three presidential primary polls on June 14, with an average approval rating of 46 percent. Hung, who can now be nominated by the KMT to run in the presidential election to be held in January next year, thanked her supporters during a press conference at the KMT's headquarters. 立法院副院長洪秀柱六月十四日通過國民黨總統候選人初選民調百分之卅的門檻,取得了百分之四十六的平均支持度。如今,洪秀柱將可正式由國民黨提名參選明年一月的總統大選,而洪本人也在國民黨總部的記者會上向支持者道謝。 "This is only the first step," Hung said, adding that she will now move forward with greater confidence to secure her party nomination. Hung said she expects the KMT's national party convention on July 19 to formally pick her as the party's presidential nominee and that a presidential election between "two women" would mark a new page in the development of democracy in Taiwan. The polls were organized by three consultancies, Trengo, Statinc and the United Daily News, each of which was required to collect more than 1,200 valid samples. 洪秀柱表示:「這只是第一步。」她補充道,自己將會帶著更大的信心往前邁進,確保黨內的提名資格。洪秀柱說,她期待七月十九日的國民黨全國代表大會能正式提名她出任總統選舉的參選人,屆時「兩個女人」的總統選戰將在中華民國民主發展史上開啟新的一頁。這場民意調查由三家民調公司所進行,包括全國意向調查研究中心、典通股份有限公司和聯合報民意調查中心,且每一家皆被要求必須蒐集超過一千兩百份有效樣本。  國內新聞:PRC to remove visa rule for Taiwanese 中共表示,台灣人民往來中國大陸將免簽注 The People's Republic of China (PRC) will remove entry permit requirements for Taiwan nationals, as top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng vowed to boost exchanges across the Taiwan Strait on June 14. Yu, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, announced the plan during a speech at the seventh Straits Forum, the largest annual event for cross-strait exchanges, in Xiamen in the southeastern province of Fujian. The plan to offer the permit-free policy was announced as Yu promised to create better conditions for cross-strait exchanges. 中華人民共和國政治局常任委員俞正聲六月十四日宣布,為進一步加強海峽兩岸交流,將對往來中國大陸的台灣人民開放免簽注。身兼中共全國政協主席的俞正聲是在福建省廈門市所舉行的年度最大兩岸交流活動海峽論壇大會中作上述表示。為了替兩岸交流創造更佳條件,俞正聲發表了此項免簽注的政策。 Currently, Taiwanese nationals must apply for a visa-like entry permit to visit China. The "Taibaozheng," a passport-like document that carries the entry permits for "Taibao," or "Taiwan compatriots," will be made into a card, Yu said. The document also serves as identification during a Taiwan national's stay in China. 目前,台灣人民前往中國大陸必須先申請形同簽證的通行證。俞正聲表示,這個樣式與護照雷同、使「台灣地區同胞」得以通行中國大陸的「台胞證」也將適時實行「卡式」證件,且也將同時作為台灣人民在中國大陸居留期間的識別證。 Search on for people, zoo animals missing in Georgia flood 喬治亞水患導致民眾與動物園猛獸失蹤,搜索行動持續進行 Rescue workers in Georgia are still searching for more than 20 people and a number of potentially dangerous animals missing after severe flooding ravaged the area around the zoo and left at least 12 people dead. None of the people who died were killed by the zoo animals that ran off after the floodwaters destroyed their enclosures, the Tbilisi zoo director said. Three zoo employees were among those who drowned. Among the animals that fled the flooded zoo were lions, tigers, bears, wolves, a hippopotamus and one jaguar. Some, including the hippopotamus, were tranquilized and returned to the zoo. Others were shot by police, while more remain missing. 在凶猛洪水摧毀動物園週遭地區,並帶走十二條人命後,喬治亞的搜救人員仍持續搜索逾廿名失蹤人士,以及具有潛在危險性的猛獸。特比利西動物園園長表示,動物園猛獸在洪水破壞其護欄後逃竄,但目前死亡的人當中沒有人是被猛獸攻擊致死。此外,也有三名動物園員工在洪水中不幸溺斃。逃脫的動物包括獅子、老虎、熊、狼、一隻河馬和一隻美洲豹。包含河馬在內的部份動物,已被注射麻醉槍並送回動物園。有些動物已遭警方擊斃,另外有些則仍下落不明。 Heavy rain on June 14 caused a landslide that blocked what is normally a pleasant stream in the hilly city, but as the floodwaters grew in strength, the fierce torrent broke through. The raging waters swept through the zoo and swamped numerous houses. The homes of about 40 families were destroyed. 六月十四日的暴雨引發土石流,阻斷了這座山城中向來平靜的河流,使洪水愈加猛烈,最後演變為水災。動物園和多間民宅遭惡水吞沒,約有四十個家庭的家園遭致沖毀。 Spacecraft that landed on comet finally wakes up 登陸彗星的太空船終於甦醒 To scientists' relief and delight, the Philae spacecraft that landed on a comet last fall has woken up and communicated with Earth after seven long months of silence, the European Space Agency announced. 歐洲太空總署宣布,去年秋天登陸一顆彗星的菲萊太空船在休眠七個月後終於甦醒,並與地球重新取得聯繫,這樣的結果使科學家開心地鬆了一口氣。 Philae became the first spacecraft to settle on a comet when it touched down on icy 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in November 2014. However, the solar-powered probe came down with a bounce and ended up in the shadow of a cliff instead of in direct sunlight. As a result, Philae managed to conduct experiments and send data to Earth for only about 60 hours before its batteries ran out and it was forced to shut down its systems and go silent. Scientists had hoped the probe would wake up again as the comet approached the sun, enabling Philae's solar panels to soak up enough light to charge the craft's main battery. 菲萊在 2014 年十一月登陸 67P/楚留莫夫-格拉西孟柯彗星,並成為首個成功登陸彗星的太空船。不過,依靠太陽能電池進行調查的菲萊在登陸時幾經移動,最後停在一處懸崖的陰影下,無法直接受到陽光的照射。因此,當它進行了六十個小時的實驗,並將數據傳回地球之後,就因電力耗盡而關閉系統,進入沉睡。科學家一度希望,當彗星更接近太陽時,便能使菲萊的太陽能面板吸收足夠光能,為主電池蓄滿電力,並重新展開調查。 The Yunlin County Magistrate promulgated regulations that were passed in May to ban the burning of coal and petroleum coke by factories. 雲林縣議會在五月通過禁止工廠燃燒生媒與石油焦的條例後,縣長李進勇正式張貼公告。 suicide bomber 自殺炸彈客 A suicide bomber blew himself up near major tourist site Karnak Temple in Egypt's southern city of Luxor. 一名自殺炸彈客在埃及南部勒克索市的觀光勝地卡納克神殿附近引爆身上炸彈,造成四人受傷。 hearse convoy 靈車護送 The remains of 15 teens killed in the Germanwings plane crash left Duesseldorf airport in a hearse convoy that took them back to their homes. 在日耳曼之翼空難事件中罹難的十五名青少年,其遺體在靈車護送之下由杜塞道夫機場返回家鄉。