When Sausage Dogs met Santa Paws...

Dec 12, 2016, 08:46 AM

(Broadcast on BBC Radio Stoke, December 2016)

It's the time of year when many of us spend hours waiting in line with the kids or grandkids to visit Santa's Grotto.

The little ones can tell Father Christmas what they'd like to find wrapped up under the tree on the 25th, while insisting they've been good boys and girls this year.

But one new business in Newcastle-under-Lyme has decided to twist the tradition.

Hounds Pet Shop opened 'Santa Paws Grotto' on Saturday, yes you heard right, a grotto for DOGS.

BBC Radio Stoke's EMMA THOMAS couldn't resist the chance to take her four legged friends along to meet Saint Nic, and the shop owner ANYA SZCZUR...