Episode #145: Just a Bit of Mass Murder

Aug 01, 2017, 01:31 AM

Episode image
Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast hosts Karen and Natalie return to discuss the Teen Wolf season 6B premiere. This is the beginning of the end.

Featured Song: "Feel" by Tony Romera

-Karen is not okay about this being the last season ever of Teen Wolf.
-But hey! We went to Comic-Con.
-Natalie tricks Karen into talking about her feelings even though she doesn't want to.
-We don't spoil the footage from the panel, but you can check out a full breakdown here.
-Oh yeah and we got a tattoo!
-Let's talk about the episode.
-Assistant Coach Scott McCall makes us emotional.
-Coach Finstock is a great throwback, as always.
-We forgot to do quotes. Again.
-Sad Liam is the best Liam, tbh.
-"Why does it always have to be follow the spiders? Why can't it be follow the butterflies?"
-But are the spiders real?
-Is Dr. Fenris dead?
-This guidance councilor is hella suspicious.
-Natalie admits she kinda maybe does actually like Corey now.
-Nolan seems like he's going to cause trouble for the pack.
-Mason gets way too excited about this shit.
-Principal Martin still wants to bury her head.
-Melissa is prepared for the apocalypse, y'all.
-Liam can't control his abilities.
-Is Scarecrow causing all this fear?
-And of course Lydia has a creepy vision.
-Who was meant to ride with the Hunt forever?
-The chemistry between all these actors now is so palpable.
-There's always a price to pay.
-The plot with the guidance councilor being untrained but taking matters into her own hands is very real in America right now.
-Who's training this chick?
-There needs to be an adult. Preferrably a Hale.
-Maybe Derek can lead his best zen life in Beacon Hills.
-The way Dylan O'Brien slips into Stiles' character is so amazing to watch.
-We discuss our reaction to the final scene in great detail.
-This is not the bad kind of fan service.
-What happens to us when Teen Wolf ends??
-Teen Wolf airs on Sundays at 8:00 p.m. ET.

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