IOE #23: 10 Ways to Level Up Your Game Regardless of Your Industry

Episode 23,   Aug 13, 2018, 01:00 PM

In this episode of Inside Out Empowerment, host Joshua Nussbaum leaves behind the usual interview format with fellow influencers and entrepreneurs for a candid, honest and solo discussion with his listeners. His aim is to offer some simple and powerful "how-to's" that will apply to any industry or discipline, across the board. Joshua offers 10 powerful ways to level up your game, no matter what industry you're dedicating yourself to.


-how to set small goals and the steps you need to take

-making sure your path to the finish line is setup

-who you surround yourself with makes a difference in your lifestyle

-surround yourself with positivity

-the importance of creating an asset

-why it is helpful to have a mentor

-how positive reinforcement can impact you

-having a contributive mindset

-why failures help you succeed

-seriousness of why your self-worth and value should take a priority in your life


-You don’t know if you’re on track, if you don’t know what the finish of your track looks like. (3:44)

-Once you’ve defined the end goal is to breakdown into benchmarks. (4:30)

-Make sure that everyone there in your life, has a purpose, if not many purposes. (10:57)

-You have a responsibility to inundate yourself with uplifting, motivational, educational reinforcement. (11:57)

-Make it clear what you stand for and invite others to support the same thing. (21:34)

-When you have an asset, instead of just your time, you can duplicate that thing at will. (25:50)

-You’re going to learn by doing. (27:42)

-Find somebody that is good at what you want to be good at and get them in your space. (29:42)

-No matter what you attempt in life, you’re going to have failures. (39:06)

-Failure is not something that you can’t avoid; it is something that is necessary. (39:54)

-A lot of the time that’s what failures are is opportunities. They’re actually not even failures at all. They’re necessary monkey branches to the next rung of production. (41:30)

-Your worth and your value are not tied to your production in anyway. (43:04)