Episode 155 - SFGT | The Tale Teller - Tales from the Fairy Tale War

Episode 155,   Nov 16, 2017, 12:00 AM

The Tale Teller - Tales from the Fairy Tale War
Author: Jayce York
Ongoing Series
Welcome fantastic listeners! Today we have the next instalment of the Tale Teller series just for your ears - we get to see the other perspective of the Tale Teller, a creatures perspective. How does the Tale Teller look to those that he hunts? And we also discover more about the world he lives in, the creatures he fights, and how he's perceived by them. Definitely a different take for more narratives :D Enjoy!
Thank you all so much for listening!
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All Music and Public Domain:
CO.AG - goo.gl/hQZW8Z
Myuuji - https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji