Ursula Von Der Leyen’s Political Guidelines (2/6): Who keeps our banking system in check? A vision of an economy that works for people

Season 1,   Aug 18, 2019, 06:29 PM

Von Der Leyen’s agenda for the European Commission: Social Market Economy, SMEs, Capital Market Union, Euro notes and its bridges, European Pillar of Social Rights, and Fair Taxation.

Rich and Carola discuss the published priorities ("Political Guidelines")  of incoming EU Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen and cover her vision of an “EU economy that works for people”. Many feel-good policies are mentioned, such as fairer taxes, social rights, and strengthening the social in a market economy, but Rich and Carola also scrutinise and voice their concerns – albeit with some acknowledged lack of expertise – over the suggestion of completing the EU Banking Union by adding some pieces that were perceived to be missing, including a Capital Markets Union. There seem to be some inherent tensions between sections of her political guidelines, be it the balance between allowing SMEs to grow into the next generation of tech giants and the social rights expressed in the pillar. Here is were Rich and Carola put forward their Utopia of a social market economy and compare how this squares with Ursula’s. 

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European Pillar of Social Rights