Ursula Von Der Leyen’s Political Guidelines (4/6): Protecting our European Way of Life

Season 1,   Sep 08, 2019, 10:27 AM

Von Der Leyen’s Agenda for the European Commission: Protecting our European Way of Life. Rule of Law. Open vs controlled vs closed borders. Migration. Internal security.

Carola and Rich join across two seas, Carola connects from Turku in Finland, and Rich is still in dizzyingly chaotic Brexitland. But they don’t let the current stunts by Boris Johnson, a parliament prorogation and (non-)constitutional battles phase them and they keep focussing on EU Commission President Von Der Leyen’s Political Guidelines, including chatting about how open and closed borders should be, border and internal security, and whilst ranting about supermarkets and Amazon, they make a case on how trade should always refrain to be an end in itself, as Von Der Leyen suggests, and aim to support a shared wealth. 

Main Source
  • Ursula Von Der Leyen: Political guidelines for the next Commission (2019-2024) - "A Union that strives for more: My agenda for Europe" 16 July 2019  (English Version)