Episode 59 - Stories Fables Ghostly Tales - CreepyPasta | Why I don't Meditate anymore...

Episode 59,   Jun 13, 2017, 01:20 PM

#CreepyPasta: Why I don't Meditate anymore...
Teller: Sirnoface
Story Link: MIA
Welcome Tale Tellers to today's Creepy Pasta episode! We have a short story by Sirnoface, where a shadow creature stalks their family, and dire consequences await them as they discover more memories of their past.
So turn the lights off, the sound up, and get ready for something...different.
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So turn off those lights, sneak under the blankets, and get ready for something...#scary!
Enjoy this episode? Let me know mate! Take 2 seconds to click that #LIKE or #Follow button. And absolutely love comments that you Tale Tellers leave, don't be shy!
Music Artist: #CO.AG
Track: Sinister Dark Music - The Fallen One
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W91Owt8MsoE